World Standard Teletext Codec Download
World Standard Teletext WST is encoded in the vertical blanking interval VBI of the analog television signal. The filter graph Call RenderStream again to connect the WST Codec filter to the Overlay Mixer. The WST Downloads and tools.
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Note This functionality has been removed from Windows Vista and later operating systems. It is available for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
World Standard Teletext WST is encoded in the vertical blanking interval VBI of the analog television signal. The filter graph for previewing teletext is similar to the graph used to view closed captions. The following diagram illustrates this graph.
This graph uses the following filters for WST display:
Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter. Accepts the VBI information from the capture filter and splits it into separate streams for each of the data services present on the signal.
WST Codec. Decodes the Teletext data from the VBI samples.
WST Decoder. Translates teletext data and draws the text onto bitmaps. The downstream filter in this case the Overlay Mixer overlays the bitmaps onto the video.
The Capture Graph Builder s RenderStream method does not support the WST filters directly, so your application must do some extra work.
Add the Overlay Mixer filter to the filter graph. The following code uses the AddFilterByCLSID function described in Add a Filter by CLSID. AddFilterByCLSID is not a DirectShow API.
IBaseFilter pOvMix NULL; // Pointer to the Overlay Mixer filter.
hr AddFilterByCLSID pGraph, CLSID_OverlayMixer, L OVMix, pOvMix ;
if FAILED hr
// Handle the error
Connect the preview pin to the Video Renderer filter through the Overlay Mixer. You can use the RenderStream method, as follows:
hr pBuild- RenderStream PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, MEDIATYPE_Video,
pCap, pOvMix, 0 ;
Add the Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter filter to the filter graph. The following code uses the CreateKernelFilter function described in Creating Kernel-Mode Filters. CreateKernelFilter is not a DirectShow API.
IBaseFilter pKernelTee NULL;
OLESTR Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter, pKernelTee ;
hr pGraph- AddFilter pKernelTee, L Kernel Tee ;
Add the WST Codec filter to the filter graph:
IBaseFilter pWstCodec NULL;
OLESTR WST Codec, pWstCodec ;
hr pGraph- AddFilter pWstCodec, L WST Codec ;
Call RenderStream to connect the capture filter s VBI pin to the Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter, and the Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter to the WST Codec filter:
hr pBuild- RenderStream PIN_CATEGORY_VBI, 0, pCap,
pKernelTee, pWstCodec ;
Call RenderStream again to connect the WST Codec filter to the Overlay Mixer. The WST Decoder filter is automatically brought into the graph.
hr pBuild- RenderStream 0, 0, pWstCodec, 0, pOvMix ;
Remember to release all of the filter interfaces.
pOvMix- Release ;
pKernelTee- Release ;
pWstCodec- Release ;
Note Currently, the WST Decoder filter does not support connections to the Video Mixing Renderer VMR filter. Therefore, you must use the legacy Video Renderer filter to view teletext.
If the capture filter has a video port VBI pin PIN_CATEGPORY_VIDEOPORT_VBI, connect it to the VBI Surface Allocator filter. The graph will not run correctly otherwise. The following code example uses the AddFilterByCLSID function, described in Add a Filter by CLSID, and the FindPinByCategory function, described in Working with Pin Categories. Neither function is a DirectShow API.
// Look for a video port VBI pin on the capture filter.
hr FindPinByCategory pCap, PINDIR_OUTPUT,
// No video port VBI pin; nothing else to do. OK to run the graph.
// Found one. Connect it to the VBI Surface Allocator.
IBaseFilter pSurf NULL;
hr AddFilterByCLSID pGraph, CLSID_VBISurfaces, L VBI Surf, pSurf ;
hr pBuild- RenderStream NULL, NULL, pVPVBI, 0, pSurf ;
pSurf- Release ;
if FAILED hr
// Handle the error not shown. It is probably not safe to
// run the graph at this point.
pVPVBI- Release ;
Related topics
Closed Captions and Teletext.
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World System Teletext or WST is the name of a standard for encoding and displaying teletext information, which is used as the standard for teletext throughout.
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